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I. M. Meen - Scroll Archive

The main point of I. M. Meen is to correct the grammar in the titular villain's scrolls in order to free the kidnapped bookworms and, ultimately, destroy the magic labyrinth. While Meen intentionally built his labyrinth using spells with bad grammar, it's Gnorris who has set up the scrolls for correction and bookworm-freeing. Thanks, Gnorris!

The scrolls themselves are very interesting, humorous, helpful, and diverse in their contents. Some of them consist of I. M. Meen's horrible self-insert novels, some are letters that Meen has sent or received, some are notes written between his gnome workers, and so on and so forth. There's a lot of effort put into these learning segments for an edutainment title.

I thought it would be fun to include an archive of every scroll in I. M. Meen, whether used or unused. Every scroll listed here are the versions with corrected grammar on the highest learning difficulty (Reading Level III), and contains info as to their location within the magic labyrinth. I've sorted the scrolls into five broad categories:

I. M. Meen's Writings



Newspaper/Magazine Articles


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Last updated: December 8th, 2024.