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Other Titles Homepage

Welcome to the homepage of the Other Titles section on Aypo's Library!

This is a little zone where I house games that don't have enough info for their own section. It's all just unreleased titles.

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A Possibility of Fifteen CD-i Nintendo Titles

On November 8th, 2024, I was given a batch of CD-i Nintendo-related articles from Tumblr user "generic-toy-shit-fucker", who graciously shared them from a few newspaper archives. Most of them were about the initial SNES add-on and licensing deals between Philips and Nintendo, but one had some very interesting information.

The March 1993 issue of Folio had an interview with Bernard Luskin, the head of Philips Interactive Media of America (PIMA). Most of the interview was about the future of the CD-i (and CD-ROM media in general) as well as PIMA and Philips, though there was one mention of the CD-i Nintendo games. And it is very interesting:

According to Leskin, there were "some 15" Nintendo titles for the CD-i at this point in time. It's a bit hard to tell if Leskin is exaggerating or not, since we only know of seven (the main four + the three titles detailed in this section) and the number he gave isn't exact. However, the Donkey Kong title for the CD-i wasn't confirmed until that LinkedIn entry and the subsequent interviews with RSP staff, both of which were recent. There is a chance that there are even MORE CD-i Nintendo games than we initially thought, though it's hard to tell unless we had, like, internal PIMA documents detailing each and every title.

(This reminds me of how there were 20 episodes of Floigan Bros. planned, but they only made one...)

Last updated: December 8th, 2024.