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Personal Projects of Mine

I like to design games, whether through one-man undertakings or by helping out in their development.
Some of these are CD-i Nintendo related, while some are not. I'm almost certainly forgetting some... oh well

Austrian Avian Association

Total conversion for Doom II: Hell on Earth
Requires Boom-compatible source port (-complevel 9)

Austrian Avian Association is what I spent most of my game dev time on during 2023 and 2024. It's a total conversion set in the 1800s that's based off of Austrian mythology, and has two episodes (and some multiplayer levels) you can play.

Basically, you play as this schnabelperchten doctor named Katharina, who wakes up from her aestivation to find out that her community's been attacked by invading forces from a nearby mountain. She then fights her way through the forces in order to figure out what caused the invasion in the first place. Later on, she goes on a voyage to find a magical, life-giving stone to resurrect those who were killed in the invasion. It uses the dungeon music from Zelda's Adventure, so it does have ties the CD-i Zelda games, tenuous as they may be.

It won a 2023 Cacoward. That's pretty cool.

Download here!

MeenTC: I.M. Meen in GZDoom

Standalone game for Doom II: Hell on Earth
Requires GZDoom v4.8.1 and later

MeenTC is exactly what it says it is - it's the main gameplay loop of I.M. Meen recreated as accurately as possible in GZDoom. Some features are missing like most of the cutscenes and the scroll edit mode, but otherwise it's quite close in terms of accuracy. As a bonus, I've re-added some cut content back into the game, made widescreen graphics for the weapons and whatnot, and added a few secret levels.

This was a project I did back in 2020, mainly to figure out what content in I.M. Meen went unused. I also wanted to sharpen my skills with GZDoom editing and Doom modding in general. I worked on this about the same time I was helping with Dopply's CD-i Zelda fan remasters, though the two are completely separate projects.

Download here!

Two Gameplay Mods Featuring Dumb Mage Animal Characters

Gameplay mods designed for Doom II: Hell on Earth
Requires MBF-compatible source port (AIMS (original), -complevel 11)
Requires GZDoom (AIMS (GZDoom), TFOF)

Adventures in Moth Sorcery and The Failmage of Finland are two gameplay mods revolving around two spellcasters with... very different arsenals. AIMS features a moth mage named Sanahaid who uses spells instead of using magical weaponry (an arsenal concept I've never seen done in any Doom gameplay mod). TFOF features a catboy mage named Clarence who uses a bunch of homemade (and canonically illegal) spells designed to inflict as much pain as possible. These spells can also backfire and hurt him!

I created these gameplay mods before and after Austrian Avian Association to sharpen my skills with certain Doom modding formats. AIMS was for the MBF standard, while TFOF was a way for me to relearn my atrophied GZDoom skills in preparation for a project I decided not to do. Oh well LOL

As of writing this text, Adventures in Moth Sorcery is being used as the base for a Doom community project named Anthropoda Power Fantasy. Check it out here!

Download here! (AIMS)
Download here! (TFOF)

Honorable Mention: Faces of Evil/Wand of Gamelon Remastered

Fan remasters of the Animation Magic Zelda games

Oh, right, I helped work on these too. I'll let this copy and pasted paragraph from the About page explain my involvement as it's 3 AM when I'm writing this and I wanna go to bed:

"Time goes on, and I get contacted by Dopply about helping him with his CD-i Zelda fan remasters. I had previously done this back on YouChew, but it didn't go far due to varying factors. Now, I had enough playtime under my belt to help Dopply refine the remasters and obtain any assets that were needed. After some time in development, both remasters were released to the public's... I'll say delight and surprise. I was credit, but under the name "Pyro Demon" as I was unsure about how Nintendo would react to these fan projects. Turns out, they haven't taken down any of the reuploads as of writing, so... make of that what you will."

Download... somewhere else!

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Last updated: October 10th, 2024.