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Chill Manor - Riddle Room Solutions

Every level of Chill Manor has an area referred to as a "Riddle Room", in which the player can try to solve a history-based riddle to open the room; inside are multiple inventory items and weapons. These optional questions can be a bit tricky and aren't as easily cheesed by "sweeping" pages for definitions... which is why I've decided to list all of them here.
Because not everyone is a history buff...

Level Question Answer Reward
1 I was used by the Sumerians to help make everyday
objects, but people use me for many other things
these days. What am I?
Wheel Plasma Gauntlet x1
Diamond of Valor x1
2 I'm not a key, but I was used to unlock the secrets of
the Egyptian hieroglyphs. I was named after the place
where I was found. What am I?
Rosetta Stone Ruby of Courage x4
Energy Crystal x4
Ghost Grenade x4
3 Without us, no written record of day-to-day events
would exist in the pharaoh's lands.
Who are we?
Scribes Energy Crystal x5
Ruby of Courage x3
Spirit Cannon x1
4 I was a poet of ancient Greece. My poems were about
the Trojan War and the heroes who fought in it.
Who am I?
Homer Ghost Grenade x3
Ruby of Courage x2
Diamond of Valor x1
5 We can't move, but we were used by the Romans to
carry water into their city. What are we?
Aqueducts Ruby of Courage x8
Banish Spell x1
6 Although my name might make you think I was a happy
fellow, my job was to fight others like me to the death
for the enjoyment of Roman citizens. Who am I?
Gladiators Ruby of Courage x2
Banish Spell x1
Energy Crystal x1
7 I was an excellent Persian king. I followed in my father's
footsteps and fought against the Greek armies.
Who am I?
Xerxes Energy Crystal x2
Ruby of Courage x2
Diamond of Valor x1
Solar Amulet x1
8 Yoritomo was the first. What was his title? Shogun Escape Spell x1
Ruby of Courage x1
Spirit Cloak x1
9 My people sailed south in our longboats and invaded
Europe during the Dark ages. Who am I?
Vikings Diamond of Valor x1
Energy Crystal x1
Ghost Grenade x1
Ruby of Courage x1
Solar Amulet x1
10 We are noble medieval warriors. The sound of our name
will make you think we belong in the "Dark" Ages.
What are we?
Knights Energy Crystal x2
Ruby of Courage x2
Ghost Grenade x1
Spirit Cannon x1
Spirit Cloak x1
11 I lived and worked in Italy during the Renaissance. I
was an artist and also an inventor and a scientist.
Who am I?
Leonardo da Vinci Energy Crystal x3
Escape Spell x1
Ghost Grenade x1
Ruby of Courage x1
Solar Amulet x1
12 A famous explorer found support for his exploration
within my borders. Many conquistadors began their
journeys from my ports. What country am I?
Spain Energy Crystal x6
Banish Spell x1
Plasma Gauntlet x1
Spirit Cloak x1
13 An explorer landed on my shores while searching for
the Fountain of Youth. He gave me my name.
What is it?
Florida Ghost Grenade x8
Diamond of Valor x1
14 I sailed around the world and was knighted by my
queen. Who am I?
Francis Drake Ghost Grenade x5
Solar Amulet x1
15 I led my country to victory in the 18th century and
became its emperor. Who am I?
Napoleon Bonaparte Energy Crystal x3
Ghost Grenade x2
Diamond of Valor x1
Escape Spell x1
Solar Amulet x1
16 I do my best work when I'm boiling mad. What am I? Steam engine Diamond of Valor x1
Energy Crystal x1
Ruby of Courage x1
Spirit Cloak x1
17 I am the river that legends says two famous brothers were
thrown into by order of their uncle. What is my name?
Tiber River Diamond of Valor x3
Ghost Grenade x1
Spirit Cloak x1
18 I'm much smaller on the top than on the bottom, and
I've been around for thousands of years. What am I?
Pyramid Energy Crystal x3
Banish Spell x1
Diamond of Valor x1
Spirit Cloak x1
19 My name sounds like a dizzy girl, but I helped start
the Industrial Revolution. What am I?
Spinning jenny Diamond of Valor x1
Solar Amulet x1
Spirit Cloak x1
20 I am a temple to Athena built many centuries ago, and
I'm still standing. What am I?
Parthenon Energy Crystal x3
Banish Spell x1
Diamond of Valor x1
Escape Spell x1
Ghost Grenade x1
Solar Amulet x1

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Last updated: December 8th, 2024.