Hello! The following is an archive of the Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon FAQ page on the British CD-Online website. Yes, the CD-i had its own online service and region-specific websites! The contents of the FAQ itself are based on a guide meant for the console's game help hotline (the contents of which were published in full in CD-i magazines).

The only edits made to the pages were changing all the URLs to redirect to images (or pages) hosted on this site. You can visit the original website (archived on the WayBack Machine) here.

Enough talk. Here is the page...

Zelda: FAQ

How do I get the key to the houses on Sakado ?
Enter the last house on the street, go up the stairs and exit through the window. Out of the window, enter the first doorway to your right. Select the ropes from your inventory and enter the door on the right of the screen. Go to the top of the playfield and carefully take the Arpagos Egg.

How and where do I get the Power Glove?
Go into the Hanyu Forest, kill everything in sight and take the Hanyu Spore from the tree stump. Return to the overworld map and go back to the Washubi Swamp. Go to Grimbo's shack, speak to Grimbo and he takes the Hanyu Spore from you and gives you the Power Glove.

How do I kill the metal man (Ironknuckle) in Tykogi Tower?
Strike Ironknuckle with the Power Glove. He disappears and leaves a key.

Where do I find the Fairy Dust?
Enter Fairy Pool and use the magic lantern to light your way. Kill the witches and strike the fairies once to get the fairy dust.

How do I kill the witch (Wizzrobe) with the spells on Shutoy Lake?
Kill Wizzrobe by reflecting his spells with your reflecting shield.

Where do I find the reflecting shield?
At the top right of the Gobiyan Ship is a cabin door. Enter and you will find the reflecting shield. Walk down to it and pick it up.

Where and how do I get the Wand of Gamelon?
Enter the shrine of Gamelon. Use the magic cloak to get through the cave entrance at the top. Jump straight up the central rock formation and proceed to the extreme left edge of its summit. Use the magic cape to jump the chasm and enter the shrine. Shoot the head that appears in the mouth and it will leave you the Wand of Gamelon.

How do I kill Ganon in the Reesong Palace towards the end of the game?
Climb to the top and throw the Wand of Gamelon at Ganon to kill him. Pick up the key he leaves and enter the green door. Talk with the King to set him free.