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Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon - Official Guide

An official guide for Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon was created by Philips, intended to be used by operators working for CD-i phone hotlines. Parts of this guide would be shared throughout various CD-i publications, such as the Dutch CD-interactief magazine and the English CD-i magazine. The latter publication would publish the full English guide in its August 1996 issue.

It appears that the guide was initially written in Dutch before being condensed and translated to English, as there are multiple errors that aren't present in the Dutch version. For example, Kobitan's segment is labelled "Kobitan 1" even though there's only one of them. I've corrected a few of these but left everything else intact. Enjoy~


Sakado 1 -- Aru Ainu -- Kobitan -- Sakado 2 -- Washubi Swamp 1 -- Hanyu Forest 1/Washubi Swamp 2 -- Ahitaru -- Tykogi Tower -- Dordung Cave/Sakado 3 -- The Fairy Pool -- Gobiyan Ship -- Sakado 4/Hanyu Forest 2 -- Shutoy Lake -- Dodomai Palace -- Nokani Forest -- Shrine of Gamelon -- Reesong Palace

Sakado 1

Enter Sakado. Collect rubies (a minimum of 100 before you leave Sakado) by attacking and killing the Dairas and Arpagos. Use your shield to avoid the axes being thrown at you. Enter Lika's house at the end of the street.

▼ Go up the stairs and exit through the window to Pier Street.

▼ On Pier St., enter the first doorway to the right of the window.

▼ While in this first room, select ropes from your inventory. Enter the door on the right of the screen.

▼ Move to the top of the playfield (if you wish, return to the merchant shop and buy ropes). Try not to fall as more Arpagos will appear. Pick up the Arpagos egg in the nest at the top of the screen. Return to the bottom of the playfield and exit.

▼ Return to the merchant shop on the far left of the main street playfield. Buy 30 units of lamp oil, rope and bombs. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map.

Aru Ainu

Enter Aru Ainu. Go left and zig zag your way down the playfield. You may jump over the pigs or crouch and strike them. Go to the right of the playfield and enter the hut.

▼ To kill Dodongo, wait until it is on the opposite side of the cave; go to the bottom level and throw a bomb. Pick up the key and exit through the entrance at the top.

▼ Proceed to the hut at the right of the playfield and enter.

▼ Talk to Lubonga to receive the shroud. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Tykogi Tower opens.


Enter Kobitan. Move to the lower left area and go into the second cottage.

▼ Time the throws of the Moblin spear throwers; you may wish to use a bomb to get the one on the lower level. Kill the Moblin spear throwers and take the lantern on the second level. Exit the cottage.

▼ Proceed to the barn and activate your lantern. Kill the vire (bat-man), use a rope to reach the top level, take the key and exit.

▼ Now move to the middle cottage on the lower level and enter.

▼ Speak to Makoto; he takes the Arpagos egg and gives you the magic flute. Climb the stairs and strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Ahitaru opens.

Sakado 2

Enter the tavern to the right of the merchant shop. Use your regular lantern and ropes to get to the doorway at the top as quickly as possible.

▼ Travel to the left of the screen and pick up the power sword (your life hearts will be restored). Return to main street.

▼ Enter Lika's house at the end of the street.

▼ Go up the stairs and out through the window to Pier Street. On Pier Street, proceed to the cemetery (the archway with the cross on top) on the upper level, and enter.

▼ Use a bomb to destroy the pillar, then move to the far left of the playfield and pick up the key. Exit through the gate you came in through.

▼ Go into the church at the right of the cemetery. Animation automatically plays on entering. Use the regular lantern to light up the playfield.

▼ Climb to the top of the church and use the shroud to attack Gibdo (the mummy), who disappears after you kill him. The Triforce is then displayed. Strike it to return to the overworld map. Washubi swamp opens.

Washubi Swamp 1

Enter Washubi swamp. These are very tough playfields! Try to keep your full life hearts so that you can use the power sword.

▼ Move to the right of the playfield, jumping between tree branches and riding on the backs of the Arkadai. Kill the tree slugs by crouching and shooting (it's difficult, so you may just want to avoid them).

▼ In the second pond, jump off the Arkadai before it submerges, then use the rope to get into the tree branches. Move across the tree branches and jump to the island with the hut. Go in by the door.

▼ Try to jump on to the second Arkadai that comes your way. Ride it to the first stump and then get off (walk off its back). Wait for the other Arkadai as it travels back to the right. Jump on and ride to the island with the broken tree. Jump to the island and then across to the floating log. You can then hop across one Arkadai to the island with the hut. Go into the hut.

▼ Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Hanyu forest opens.

Hanyu Forest 1 and Washubi Swamp 2

Enter Hanyu forest. This is another difficult region. Move towards the tree door at the far right of the playfield. It is advisable to "kill everything" on this playfield, preferably wtih the power sword or bombs. Kill the Tektites by crouching and shooting. Enter the tree door.

▼ Go along the bottom of the forest playfield. Jump up and take the Hanyu spore on the tree stump in the middle of the playfield.

▼ Walk along the upper level of the playfield towards the right. Strike the Triforce (you may have to attach a rope to the tree to get to the upper level) to return to the overworld map.

▼ Return to Washubi swamp. Proceed to Grimbo's shack by following the directions in stage 5 (Washubi Swamp 1).

▼ Speak to Grimbo who takes the Hanyu spore and gives you the power glove. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. The fairy pool opens.


Enter Ahitaru. Go to the far right of the playfield. Shoot the bees or use the magic flute to stop them. Enter the cave on the bottom level.

▼ Kill the Gohma and exit through the cave at the bottom right of the playfield.

▼ Walk towards the right of the playfield along the upper level. Jump across the pit and talk to Sanda. She gives you water of life. (Life hearts restored). Continue to the right of the playfield, and jump up to the level of the fish's eye.

▼ Use the power glove to remove the rock from the fishes eye and move through the opening.

Speak to Yokan. Pick up the key he leaves after he disappears. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Shutoy Lake opens.

Tykogi Tower

Enter Tykogi Tower. Proceed to the far right of the playfield. Kill the Arpagos and Octoroks.

▼ Use the power glove to clear the rock from the gate and enter the tower. Talk to Harbanno and pick up the key he leaves. Use the lantern to light the playfield and ropes to avoid wall masters. Climb to the top of the chamber, and enter a door at the top.

▼ Animation automatically plays when you enter this playfield. Strike Iron Knuckle with the power glove; he disappears and leaves a key. You receive a fourth life heart. Pick up the key and move to the door at the lower right of the playfield.

▼ Strike the chains above Mayor Cravendish. He gives you the magic lantern. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Dordung cave opens.

Dordung Cave and Sakado 3

Enter Dordung cave. Jump up the tree and make your way over to the left of the playfield. Kill the Jawbees or use the magic flute. Use the power glove or bombs on the Dodongos. Jump up the rocks and tree limbs to get over to the area on the far left. Fall down and enter the cave. Use the magic lantern to light your way and ropes to climb to the top level of the cave.

▼ Attack the Gleeok and pick up the heat crystal he leaves once he disappears. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Dodomai Palace will then open. Return to Sakado.

▼ Go to the blacksmith's shop, which can be found on the far lower right corner of the Pier Street playfield, and enter.

▼ Speak to Yokan. He takes the heat crystal and gives you the magic sword (your life hearts are restored). Leave the playfield.

Return to the main street and go into the baker's shop (you'll find it at the right of the playfield, second from the end).

▼ Talk to Harbanno to receive bread. Speak to him again, then exit. Go to the merchant shop and strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map.

[WEBMASTER'S NOTE: For whatever reason, the full guide is missing the entire section for the Fairy Pool. I've tried to recreate its section in brackets, using the CD-Online guide as a basis - keep in mind that it's NOT in the original guide text.]

[The Fairy Pool]

[Enter the fairy pool. Animation automatically plays when you enter this playfield. Use the magic lantern to light your way.]

[▼ Kill the witches. Strike the fairies once to get the fairy dust and a life heart. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Gobiyan ship opens.]

Gobiyan Ship

Enter Gobiyan ship. Walk across the top of the playfield, then zig-zag down to the shore. Ride the backs of the Arkadai, timing a jump from the fourth to the fifth. Then jump up to the mouth of the ship.

▼ Proceed along the deck to the small doorway located on the mast in the top-centre of the playfield.

▼ Climb to the top of the mast playfield. Attach a rope to the beam holding the nest (top-left of the playfield), climb up and take the Arpagos feather. Take the key from the top-right, then you must return to the deck.

▼ Go to the cabin door at the top-right of the ship and enter. Walk down to the reflecting shield and pick it up. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Shrine of Gamelon opens.

Sakado 4 and Hanyu Forest 2

Return to Sakado. Proceed to the final house to the right of the main street and talk to Lika (twice). Strike her once to get the cloak. Strike her again so that she will take your fairy dust and change your cloak into the magic cloak. She disappears.

▼ Enter the merchant shop and strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map.

▼ Return to Hanyu Forest. Work your way over to the door in the tree stump to go into the second playfield.

▼ Move across the playfield and talk to Myra. She takes the Arpagos feather, turns your shroud into the magic cape, then disappears. Climb to the next level and strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Save game.

Shutoy Lake

Enter Shutoy Lake. Shoot the Arpagos or use the magic flute to freeze them. Climb to the platform and go into the second hut.

▼ Take the key on the top left of the playfield; return to the previous playfield.

▼ Proceed to the hut on the far-right of the field. Use a rope or climb the tree to reach it, then enter.

▼ Leave through the door next to Impa.

▼ Go down the first ladder and then jump off the ledge to the landing. Step on the raft and ride over to the rocks. Jump forward to avoid the spearfish. Jump up the rocks to the door and enter.

▼ Use a combination of jumping, timing, and ropes to get to the top of the tower and go in through the door.

▼ Use your magic lantern to light up the playfield. Go to the bottom of the playfield, remaining on the left side of the gap. Carefully edge your way out, then jump over it. Enter the door at the right.

▼ Proceed to the lower level, killing the Jawbees. Wait for the Moblin spear thrower to appear, kill it and take the key he leaves behind. Enter the chamber.

▼ Kill Wizzrobe by reflecting his spells with your reflecting shield. After you kill him, an animation plays and he disappears. Pick up the key he leaves behind. Use a rope to reach the tower door and enter.

▼ Go up the stairs and destroy the pillar with a bomb or the power glove. Speak to Lady Alma who gives you the canteen before she disappears. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Reesong Palace opens.

Dodomai Palace

Enter Dodomai Palace. Go to the lower-right of the playfield, killing the spiders. Clear the pillar by using a bomb or the power glove. Jump on an Arkadai to move to the next playfield.

▼ Jump off the Arkadai on to the rocks and proceed to the exit at the top-right of the playfield. Use the magic flute against the bats.

▼ Go to the top level. Use the magic cloak to avoid Gleeok head blasts. Kill one of the two soldiers on the top level to receive the key. Enter the palace.

▼ Use the magic lantern to light your way and climb the banner to the left of the door. Use the magic cloak to avoid the wall master. Fight until you reach the door at the bottom level on the far right and enter it.

▼ Proceed to the right, taking the key in the centre of the playfield. Use the magic cloak to avoid the wall masters. Return to the previous playfield. Select ropes from the magic pouch before going through the archway door. Go to the top of the playfield. Time the falling rocks and use ropes. Enter the door to the roof.

▼ Proceed to the right of the playfield. Use the magic coak to approach Hectan. Kill him by striking him with your sword at close range. You are awarded a sixth life heart. Return to the Palace playfield.

▼ Enter either of the two doors at the top-centre of the playfield. Climb the stairs and strike the painting to the left of the door. Pick up the chamber key and enter the door.

▼ Talk to Duke Onkled. He disappears and leaves a key. Pick it up. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Nokani Forest opens.

Nokani Forest

Enter Nokani Forest. Proceed to the tree at the far left of the playfield and enter.

▼ Go to the top of the tree area. Activate the magic lantern and use ropes when necessary. Kill the Tektites and flying eyeballs. Enter the tree hollow on the top-right of the playfield.

▼ Proceed to the top of the tree area in a similar manner and speak to Myra. She replaces your magic lantern with the fairy lantern, then disappears. Continue to climb until you reach the Triforce. Strike it and return to the overworld map.

Shrine of Gamelon

Enter the Shrine of Gamelon. Go to the top of the playfield. Jump or use the magic cloak to avoid the Phyrandaii. Exit through the cave entrance at the top.

▼ Again, use the magic cloak against the Phyrandaii and watch out for the deadites. Jump straight up the centre rock formation and move to the extreme left edge of its top. Activate the magic cape to jump the chasm, then go to the shrine.

▼ Enter the shrine. When Omfak's head appears as a mouth, shoot him in the mouth. Omfak disappears after the animation and leaves the Wand of Gamelon behind. Take it, then strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map.

Reesong Palace

Enter Reesong Palace. Use the magic cloak to make yourself invisible to the Phyrandaii. Go down to the lower level and through the door on the left.

▼ Proceed to the far left of the playfield. Use the power glove to destroy the boulder. Select the fairy lantern before you enter the palace.

▼ Light up the playfield. Avoid the falling rocks. Jump to the ground and kill the spider. Climb the ladder and watch out for the Goriya's boomerangs. Leave through the door at the bottom of the playfield.

▼ Go to the top of the playfield. Strike the second head, pick up the key that is left and enter the gallows.

▼ Go the right of the playfield and drop into the cistern. Time the falling rocks and fall to the square grate. Jump over to the steps and climb the ladder. Exit through the gate at the top.

▼ Move over to the right and avoid the falling spikes. Use a rope to climb up to the ledge; kill the Goriyas. Proceed along the top level towards the right and kill the remaining Goriya. Pick up the key he leaves behind, then return to the cistern.

▼ Exit through the square grate at the bottom-left of the cistern. You will reappear in the centre of the courtyard.

▼ Enter the palace again and out through the door at the bottom right of the playfield. Proceed to the top of the playfield and through the gallows door. Go to the first door on the upper level of the playfield and into Ganon's chamber.

▼ Animation automatically plays on entering this playfield. Climb to the top and throw the Wand of Gamelon at Ganon to kill him. He disappears after the animation and leaves the key to the upper chamber.

Pick it up and enter the green door. Talk to King Harkinian to free him.


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Last updated: October 5th, 2024.