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Chill Manor - Margin Note Archive

The main point of Chill Manor is to undo the damage that Ophelia Chill has done to the Book of Ages by finding its pages (five per level) and removing her historical edits by replacing them with the proper word(s). Every page has its own set of margin notes written by Ophelia Chill, which hint towards the location of a level's secret areas, items, and other such things. It also names several enemies encountered throughout the manor, which is great as there doesn't seem to be a manual for Chill Manor.

I thought it would be fun to include an archive of all of Ophelia's margin notes, independent of the Book of Ages pages that they're on. All of them are identical across the three difficulty levels and have extra info detailing their location within the manor. They are also entirely in red, which I've decided to leave out.
I've split the margin notes across two halves:

Level 1 to 10 Margin Notes

Level 11 to 20 Margin Notes

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Last updated: December 8th, 2024.