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Hotel Mario - Cheat Codes


Unlock All Hotels -- Warps -- Special Day Messages (English -- French)

Unlock All Hotels

Start a new game and lose all of your lives. On the Continue screen, select No and enter the following name in the High Scores screen:
That B_ is followed by a single space, by the way.

The French version of Hotel Mario doesn't have the underscore available for names, so its equivalent code is:

After restarting Hotel Mario, restore this saved game and all Hotels will be unlocked for you.

(Thanks for the French unlock code info, rosewood!)


There are two known warp pipes in Hotel Mario, accessed via entering a specific door on a specific stage. Doing this will play a cutscene of Mario tumbling through a pipe, then warp you to a specific hotel and stage. They are:

Special Day Messages

The Philips CD-i has an internal clock which Hotel Mario uses to replace the "HERE WE GO!"/"CHAUD DEVANT!" text with a date-specific message.
Most of these dates are actually based on ranges instead of appearing for one day only.

Both versions of the game - English and French - have unique messages.
This isn't a cheat code, technically, but I have nowhere else to put it.


Day Message Meaning
January 1st to 5th HAPPY NEW YEAR! New Year's Day (Jan. 1st).
February 12th to 14th HAPPY VALENTINES DAY! Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th).
February 17th ITS HOLLIES BIRTHDAY! Hollie S. Lohff is the game's Play Consultant.
She playtested the game and is the reason
why Mario and Luigi can jump. Yes, really.
May 7th to 9th DO NOT FORGET MOTHERS DAY! Mother's Day is on the second Sunday of May.
Becomes slightly messed up if Mother's Day
is after the 9th.
May 10th to 30th SCHOOLS ALMOST OUT! Schools typically start summer vacation
at the end of May (if not a bit later).
June 17th to 20th HAPPY FATHERS DAY! Father's Day is on the third Sunday
of June. Can get awkward if it falls out
of this range.
July 1st to 4th HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY! United States' Independence Day (Jul. 4th).
August 15th to 31st READY TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL? Schools typically start up at the end of
August (if not a bit later).
October 29th to 31st BOOOOOOOOO!!! Halloween (Oct. 31st).
November 17th to 25th HAPPY TURKEY DAY! GOBBLE GOBBLE! Thanksgiving is on the fourth Thursday of
November. It can also happen on a day past
this range...
December 11th to 26th HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Various winter holidays are in
this range, including Christmas (Dec. 24th/25th).
December 27th to 31st HAPPY NEW YEAR! New Year's Eve (Dec. 31st).


Day Message Translation Meaning
January 1st to 5th BONNE ANNEE ! HAPPY NEW YEAR ! New Year's Day (Jan. 1st).
January 8th ALLONS CHERCHER LA FEVE ! LET'S LOOK FOR THE TRINKET ! Refers to galette des rois (king cake), a
treat eaten on Epiphany (Jan. 6) that
has a fève (trinket) baked inside.
February 12th to 14th C' EST LA SAINT VALENTIN ! IT'S VALENTINE'S DAY ! Valentine's Day (Feb. 14th).
February 25th to 28th ON SE DEGUISERA
Mardi Gras occurs on the day before Ash
Wednesday. Several of the French holidays
are set according to their 1995 date.
(Mardi Gras would've been Feb. 28th)
April 14th to 17th OU SONT CACHES LES OEUFS ? WHERE ARE THE EGGS HIDDEN ? Easter Sunday happens on the first Sunday
after the first full moon of Spring. In 1995,
this would've been April 16th.
May 1st to 19th
May 29th to 31st
L' ECOLE EST BIENTOT FINIE ! SCHOOL'S ALMOST OVER ! In France, schools get out in late June,
so this message is still correct. Its range is
split due to the next message.
May 20th to 28th BONNE FETE MAMAN ! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY MOM ! In France, Mother's Day occurs on the
last Sunday of May. In 1995, this
would've been May 28th.
June 17th to 20th BONNE FETE PAPA ! HAPPY FATHER'S DAY DAD ! Father's Day in France is on the third
Sunday of June, like the United States'
Bastille Day (Jul. 14th). The message is
taken from the first line of "La Marseillaise",
France's national anthem.
August 15th to 31st PREPAREZ VOS CARTABLES ! PREPARE YOUR SCHOOLBAGS ! In France, schools start up at the start
of September.
December 1st to 26th JOYEUX NOEL ! MERRY CHRISTMAS ! Christmas (Dec. 24th/25th).
December 27th to 31st BONNE ANNEE ! HAPPY NEW YEAR ! New Year's Eve (Dec. 31st).

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Last updated: October 10th, 2024.