Link: The Faces of Evil - Cutscene Errors
This list was part of my old CD-i Zelda asset packages (before they were hosted on The Spriters Resource) and details almost every cutscene error in Link: The Faces of Evil. By this, I mean "discolorations/consistency/general error" stuff, not the whole cutscenes themselves. The cutscene frames on this list start at 0, which is basically the first frame of said cutscene.
I actually tried to fix these errors in the fan remasters of the Animation Magic Zelda games, but I gave up in the middle of Harlequin's intro cutscene.
Note: Inconsistencies between the cutscenes characters and their sprites are NOT counted. For example, Militron is neon blue in the cutscenes, but is mainly gray and denim blue in-game. However, the list will not count it as an error.
Also, I'm not providing any pictures as it'd take up about 10% of my allocated space on NeoCities. Sorry! Use the Spriters' Resource cutscene rips for cross-referencing.
-- Intro:
- For some reason, a bunch of black pixels appear at the top right of the cutscene. In addition, some lines and transparency appear at the very right edge of the cutscene, such as the Link and Zelda scene.
- Frame 6: A part of Link's tunic is missing its black outline.
- Frames 18 and 25/26: The little fold in Link's cap is missing.
- Frame 32: A part of Link's left eyebrow is the same color as his skin.
- Frame 94: A small part of outline is missing on Link's hat.
- Frame 109: The sparkles on Gwonam's flying carpet are missing.
- Frame 137 to 139: Part of Gwonam's belt is purple instead of brown. (The part that loops down from the knot.)
- Frame 159: Gwonam's pupils are larger than the frames before and after it.
- Frame 184: A part of the King's clothes is the same color as his beard.
- Frames 203 and 204: A part of the King's left ear is transparent.
- Frame 208: Gwonam's ring's colors are swapped for this frame only. Also, there's an extra line near Gwonam's left elbow.
- Frame 208 to 218: These ten frames have something weird going on with Gwonam's right sleeve. Mainly, it's the shading of it.
- Frame 216: Gwonam's ring has a different color.
- Frame 221: The top of the scroll is in a different color when compared to previous frames.
- Frame 222: From this frame until the end of the scene, Gwonam's top eyelids are missing. This is debatable, though.
- Frame 235: Gwonam's eyes have no details to them.
- Frame 241: Gwonam's left eyelid (rather, the part above where his eyelid should be) is missing.
- Frames 253 and 254: Part of Link's tunic line is missing.
- Frame 269: The band of Gwonam's turban is missing. Also, his left eyebag is missing.
- Frames 288, 291, and 304: Ditto for the turban thing.
- Frames 306 and 307: I feel like these two frames should be replaced with a copy of Frame 308. It makes Link's eye movement feel too unnatural. Up to you, though.
- Frame 320, 321, and 325: Part of Link's neck isn't drawn in and colored (it's the bits between his left sideburn)
- Frame 330: The lighter part of Zelda's teeth is transparent.
- Frame 334: Part of Zelda's fingernail is missing an outline.
- Frame 339: A tiny part of Zelda's shirt (on the bottom rows) is blue instead of purple.
- Frame 383: The bit between to Gwonam's robe collar is a lighter color.
- Frame 401: A part of Gwonam's torso is the same color as his skin.
- Frame 411: Part of Gwonam's robe is colored green.
- Frame 412: Link's back hair is darker.
- Frame 415: Part of the lining of Gwonam's robe is the same color as his actual robe.
- Frame 420: Gwonam's right sleeve is missing some light purple parts.
- Frame 421: Part of Gwonam's robe is light purple instead of dark purple.
- Frame 425 to 444: A lot of things lose their black outline, such as Link's right arm and hand, his belt, Gwonam's sleeves, and HIS belt.
- Frame 451: Gwonam's moustache is a lighter color.
- Frame 459: One of Gwonam's fingers is purple.
- Frame 466: Link's boots are missing, giving the impression that he has no legs.
- Frame 485 to 494: More outline loss, but this time, it's more sporadic.
- The part where Gwonam pulls out the map has several transparency issues with the right side of the cutscene. There's too many to list here.
- Frame 518: Part of Gwonam's beard is the same color as the sky.
- Frame 524: One of Gwonam's fingers is the same color as his beard.
- Also, the part where Link looks at the map has some weird things going on to the right. They're loose pixels that should be removed.
- Frames 547 and 548: Link's hat band is the same color as his hair.
- Frames 561 and 563: Link's hat is a darker color.
-- Hamsha (Water of Life):
- Frame 1: The inside of Hamsha's hood is lighter in color.
- Frames 29 and 30: Ditto, but the color is the same as her robe's lining.
- Frame 50: Part of Hamsha's robe is the same color as her hair.
- Frame 74: Part of Hamsha's face uses her normal skin colors.
-- Aypo (Introduction):
- Aypo's chest line disappears multiple times in this cutscene.
- Frames 2 and 4: Parts of Aypo's right eye is transparent.
- Frames 16 and 17: Aypo's right eyeball is transparent. Also, there's a loose pixel to the left of his ear.
-- Aypo (Book of Koridai):
- Frame 11-86: The table that Aypo reads the Book of Koridai on is missing.
- Frame 42: Part of Aypo's robe is the same color as his skin.
- Frames 50, 55 to 69, and 73 to 86: Details on Aypo's right hand periodically disappear.
- Frame 57: Part of Aypo's left hand is missing its outline.
- Frames 73, 77, and 81: Aypo's right ear is missing detail.
- Frame 87: The inside of Aypo's robe is the same color as his skin.
- Frame 96: Aypo's eyebrows are the same color as his skin.
- Frames 97 and 98: Aypo's left hair piece is the same color as his robe. What is it with this cutscene and coloring errors?
- Frame 98: Aypo's eyelids are missing.
- Frame 103: Most of the detail is gone from Aypo's face.
-- Anutu (Power Sword):
- Frame 0: In this one frame, Anutu's pants are a lighter color. Why?
- Frame 58: Anutu's left shoulder is white.
- Frame 69: The sword has a random black line in it.
- Frame 77 to 86: Random black line to the right of Link.
-- Anutu (Talking To Link):
- Like the intro, this cutscene has random black upper-right pixels.
- Frame 36: The shading on Anutu's pants is missing. (The area next to his feet.)
-- Fish Lady:
- The rightmost part of the table acts very weirdly. Mainly, it's black pixels that appear over it.
- Frame 17 to 19: Part of the fish's head is darker than it should be.
- Frame 50: The Fish Lady's bandana has a lighter color.
- Frames 55 and 56: Part of the Fish Lady's apron is missing. (The green collar bit.)
-- Morshu (Talking To Link):
- Frame 74: Morshu's hat changes color slightly.
-- Morshu (Refusing Sale):
- Frame 0 to 7: Morshu's right arm lining is brown instead of yellow.
-- Gwonam (Goronu):
- Frames 0 and 10: A part of Gwonam's lining is the same color as most of his robe.
- Frame 38: Some weirdness on the right side of the screen, on Goronu's wand.
- Frames 79 and 83: Goronu's finger is transparent.
-- Goronu (Taunting Link):
- Goronu's mouth uses the wrong colors, using all red instead of pink/outside and red/inside.
-- Goronu (Death):
- Frame 0: A massive amount of black pixels on the top-right.
- Frames 7 and 8: A part of Goronu's mouth is transparent.
- Frame 10: One of Goronu's teeth is transparent.
- Frame 15: Goronu's mouth is transparent.
-- Alora (Request):
- Frame 28 to 60: Alora's earrings have holders that change rapidly between transparent and flesh-colored, when they should be blue.
- Frame 29 to 31: Link's hands are missing outlines.
- Frame 37: The inside of Link's left sleeve is missing.
- Frame 44 to 53: Various parts of Alora's body are transparent, mainly around the eyes and hand.
- Frame 48: Part of Alora's necklace and fur collar have missing outlines.
- Frames 64 and 65: Part of Alora's shirt is lighter.
- Frame 79 to 87: Alora's head and hair change shape quite a lot.
-- Alora (Canteen):
- Frame 12 to 28: The necklace disappears, then reappears in Link's other hand.
- Frame 17: Part of Alora's skirt is missing its outline.
- Frame 21: Alora's hairband is transparent.
- Frame 32: Alora's fur collar is the same color as her dress.
- Frame 36: Alora's fingernails are missing.
- Frames 76 and 94: A transparent area is filled with the same color as Alora's hair.
- Frame 79: Alora's fingernail goes into the bottle.
- Frame 80 to 89: One of the frames seems to be pasted onto the previous one.
-- Horgum (Lantern):
- More black pixel weirdness, this time on the bottom-right.
- Link's color palette looks incredibly different when compared to him in the other cutscenes. Mainly, it's his hair and skin.
- Frames 62 and 63: These two frames seem to have their places swapped.
- Frames 72 and 74: The top of the lantern is missing one of its edge outlines.
- Frame 83: Link's left arm sleeve is pulled father back than usual. Or said part got filled in with Link's skin color. Your choice.
-- Horgum (Talking To Link):
- Frame 11: Part of Horgum's hood is the same color as his skin.
- Frame 55: Part of Horgum's hood disappears.
-- Fairies:
- More palette weirdness with Link. This time, it's his hair.
- Frame 0 to 11: Part of Link's hair is missing. In addition, there's some black lines and other weird stuff going on with his face.
- Frame 55: One of the pink fairy's wings is transparent.
-- Zorga (Power Glove):
- Frame 42: Part of Zorga's apron is the same color as her skirt.
- Frame 90: Zorga's sleeve is a lighter color.
- Frame 131: Link's yellow band is the same color as his skin.
-- Gwonam (Harlequin):
- Frame 84: Harlequin's hat is a lighter shade of red.
- Frame 109: Harlequin is missing color from his right cheek.
-- Ganon (Talking To Link):
- Frame 3: Ganon's left sleeve is missing a bit of color.
- Frame 8: Part of Ganon's sleeve is the same color as his aura.
- Frames 34, 40, 45, and 46: Ganon's cuffs are a darker color.
- Frame 65: A small patch of skin-color is between Ganon's eyes.
-- Harlequin (Death):
- Link's hair is a different color.
- Frame 39 to 48: Harlequin's pom-pom changes color a few times. It's supposed to be orange-ish.
- Frame 40: Part of Harlequin's cap is red instead of yellow.
- Frames 62 and 72: Link's belt is green.
-- Odranoel (Magic Lantern):
- Frame 13: Part of Odranoel's hair is brown, for some reason.
- Frame 46: Odranoel's tooth is transparent.
- Frame 55: Some of the outlines are brown instead of black.
-- Gwonam (Zelda's Kidnapping):
- For some strange reason, this cutscene has a lot of blue artifacting on the right side of the screen.
- Frame 85: Ganon's amulet is missing its outline.
-- Suprena (Talking To Link):
- Link's hair and eye color are different.
-- Suprena (Reflecting Shield):
- Same as before, minus eye color.
-- Gwonam (Militron):
- More black pixels at the top-right. Yep. This gets bad when Militron breathes fire on the Koridian.
- Frame 47: One of Militron's hand-spikes is transparent.
- Frame 48 to 50: The Koridian's right knee brace (?) is missing.
- Frame 53 to 58: A part of Militron's hand flips between shading and no shading.
- Frames 59 and 60: Militron's pinky is partially transparent.
- Frame 117: The rightmost part of the Armos' left shoulder is transparent.
-- Clora:
- Link's hair is weird, again.
- There are some black lines/pixels, but nothing too major.
- Frame 27: Clora's nail polish is missing.
- Frame 38 to 44: Part of Clora's right braid is missing.
- Frame 47: Part of Link's hair is skin-colored.
- Frame 51: A small bit of Clora's teeth is transparent.
- Frame 57: Clora's right bow is missing.
- Frame 59: The right bow has no color to it.
- Frame 61: Clora's right ear is the same color as her hair.
-- Kulvan (Talking To Link):
- More black pixels. Yep.
-- Kulvan (Magic Sword):
- Link's hair changes at the end of the cutscene.
- Frames 129 and 131 to 144: Link's hat is slightly, slightly more darker.
-- Ganon (Defeated):
- Link's sleeves are in a different color. His hair is slightly different too.
- More black pixels. Uh-huh. Not as much as some cutscenes.
- Frame 0: For this one frame, Link's hat is lighter. Why? Who knows. Animation Magic, probably.
- Frames 9 to 11: Ganon has a blue tint around his aura.
- Frame 26: Ganon's elbows are missing their outlines.
- Frame 34: One of Ganon's right shadow bits is dark blue instead of black.
-- Goronu (Tricking Link):
- More black pixels. Bottom-right.
- Link's eyebrows aren't as dark.
- Frame 4 to 16: Fake Zelda is missing some outlines.
- Frames 31 and 35 to 40: Fake Zelda is missing some hair and leg outlines.
- Frame 59: Part of Goronu's wand is missing.
- Frame 64 to 70: Goronu's sleeves change in how dark they are, covering the inside of his robe to the edge of his sleeves. Also, some outlines are missing.
-- Gwonam (Glutko):
- Frame 71: One of Glutko's teeth is red instead of gold.
- Frames 71 and 72: Glutko's right thumb is a darker shade of green.
- Frame 89: Part of the right Koridian's shirt is transparent.
- Frame 96: The to-be-eaten Koridian's mouth is transparent.
- Frame 97: The right Koridian's boot cuffs are lighter in color.
- Glutko's left thumb is a darker shade of green. Ooh! Variety!!
-- Droolik:
- Link's hair isn't blonde.
-- Glutko (Attacking Link):
- Link's skin and hair are off-color.
-- Gwonam (Lupay):
- Lupay's collar emblem thing is gold instead of baby blue in this cutscene.
- Frame 0: Gwonam's robe lining has the same color as most of its robe.
- Frame 10: Same as above.
- Frames 94 and 98: A tuft of fur on Lupay's palm is missing.
- Frame 102: Lupay is missing their other fingers.
- Frames 102, 111, 116, and 117: The Koridian is missing his back.
- Frame 148 to 173: The Moblin's shoulder things change color quite a few times.
- Frame 154: One of the Moblin's spikes is the same color as his flesh.
- Frame 158: Part of the Moblin's shirt overlaps his shoulder thing.
- Frame 161: The Moblin's mouth is the same color as his skin.
-- Lupay (Taunting Link):
- Frames 50, 51, 53, 54, and 56 to 83: The separator between Lupay's eyes is missing, giving them Sonic-like eyes.
-- Lupay (Death):
- Frame 24: From this frame onward, most of Lupay's 'collar' disappears.
- Frames 41, 42, and 44: Lupay's inner ear flips direction.
- Frame 43 to 79: The dark part of Lupay's face disappears.
-- Gwonam (Lantern of Vision):
- Frame 2: Gwonam's moustache is the same color as his beard.
- Frame 72: Part of Gwonam's turban band is missing.
-- Miitron (Returns):
- Frame 23: One of Militron's left fingers is transparent.
-- Ending:
- More top-right black dots and missing outlines.
- Frame 14: Zelda's weird headband thing is black instead of light... whatever color it is (look near her ear)
- Frame 16: A part of Link's skin is the same color as his tunic.
- Frames 27 to 40: Zelda's vest thing is the wrong color.
- Frames 74, 75, and 83: Gwonam's sleeve holes are a different color.
- Frame 139: A tiny bit of Gwonam's robe lining is a lighter color. (Near Zelda's head)
- Frame 140: Link's hair is the wrong color.
- Frame 212: Part of THE BIRD'S left wing is uncolored.
- Frame 215: Same error type, but with its tail.
- Frame 237: Zelda's lip is black.
- Frame 240 to 257: Some weird shit goes on with Link's hair and hat. It's kinda hard to describe. The two most notable errors are:
- Frame 249: Part of Link's hat is yellow.
- Frame 253: Part of Link's hat is uncolored.
- Frames 258 and 262: Part of Link's tunic is uncolored (look near his arm)
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Last updated: December 8th, 2024.