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Link: The Faces of Evil - Official Guide

An official guide for Link: The Faces of Evil was created by Philips, intended to be used by operators working for CD-i phone hotlines. Parts of this guide would be shared throughout various CD-i publications, such as the Dutch CD-interactief magazine and the English CD-i magazine. The latter publication would publish the full English guide in its October 1996 issue (which appears to be the last issue released).

It appears that the guide was initially written in Dutch before being condensed and translated to English, as there are multiple errors that aren't present in the Dutch version. For example, Toyku Lighthouse is called Tokyo Lighthouse in the English guide. I've corrected a few of these but left everything else intact. Enjoy~


Supply Run (Goronu 1/Nortinka 1) -- Crater Cove -- Nortinka 2 -- Toyku Lighthouse 1 -- Goronu 2 -- Firestone Lake -- Spearfish Falls -- Toyku Lighthouse 2 -- Harlequin Bazaar 1 -- Serigon Caves 1 -- Harlequin Bazaar 2 -- Militron -- Shipwreck Cliff -- Fortress Centrum -- Serigon Caves 2 -- Glutko -- Lupay -- Hermit Flat -- Ganon's Lair

Supply Run

Goronu 1

Collect 200+ rubies. Go to the shop: buy 12 ropes, 12 bombs and 18 lamp oils. Strike Triforce and return to the world map.

Nortinka 1

Kill the spear throwers and collect at least 30 snowballs. Strike Triforce and return to the world map. Save the game.

Crater Cove

Enter Anutu's shack (upper left side of the area). Talk to Anutu - he gives you the power sword and restores your life hearts. Leave the shack.

▼ Go to the skull by the boarded up hole and then jump up and strike it. Pick up the key.

▼ Go into the hole. Kill the fire creatures with your snowballs and pick up the firestones which they leave behind (at least 20).

▼ Fight to the far right and strike the Triforce. The spearfish falls open. Save the game.

Nortinka 2

Go to the igloo with the hole in it (far left). Pick up the key on the right side of the inside of the igloo. Leave the igloo and enter Hamsha's shack, then hit Hamsha with a firestone to get the water of life.

▼ Go to the door on the lower right of the room. Fight up to the top of the area killing the monkey creatures with the firestones.

▼ Go into Aypo's library. Strike Triforce and save the game.

Toyku Lighthouse 1

Fight to the right and avoid the rock slide in the middle. Get the key on the ledge by the rock slide.

▼ Go into Alora's road house. Fight down and exit through the door at the bottom.

▼ Fight over to the lighthouse. Talk to Horgum at the top and he will give you the lantern. Strike the Triforce and save the game.

Goronu 2

Make sure that you have at least 10 of each of the following items before you attempt this stage: bombs, lamp oils, rope and firestones.

▼ Fight to the right and bomb the boulder blocking the tooth entrance. Use the open drawer or rope to climb to the top level. Go to the right hand side and leave by the door.

▼ Jump the gaps and drop down to the door. Kill Goronu at the top with firestones (approximately 10). Take the bell. Strike the Triforce and save the game.

Firestone Lake

[WEBMASTER'S NOTE: The ending of this section and the beginning of the next one (including the Spearfish Falls section title) are missing. They were likely deleted by accident during editing. I've tried to recreate what should've been there in brackets - keep in mind that it's NOT in the original guide text.]

Make sure you have plenty of bombs and rubies on this stage. Fight down to the raft. Ride the raft to the end of its path.

▼ Kill the fire creatures with snowballs and go through the hole at the top of the volcano. Fight HALF way down and take the grapple berries on the right hand side. Use the snowballs to kill the fire wheels.

▼ Fight to the bottom and kill the [fire wheel with snowballs. Take the fire diamond. Strike Triforce and save the game.]

[Spearfish Falls]

[Fight to the] little raft. DO NOT take the bridge. Ride the raft until it stops.

▼ Use the bell to freeze the bats. Fight to the far right. Bomb the boulder blocking the exit. Go through the hole. Fight to the top by jumping from rock to rock.

▼ Use the bell to freeze the bats and watch out for the blue wolf at the top. Hit one of the fairies and you are given an extra life heart.

▼ Go through the hole above the waterfall at the right of the area.

▼ Enter the cave half way up the area. Kill the Gleeok heads and kill Gleeok with a bomb while his mouth is open. Pick up the necklace. Leave the cave.

▼ Continue up the area and get the key at the top. Enter Zorga's hut (the door at the upper left). Talk to Zorga - she takes the grapple berries and gives you the power glove. Strike the Triforce and save the game.

Toyku Lighthouse 2

Return to Alora's road house. Talk to her - she gives you the canteen. Strike Triforce and save the game.

Harlequin Bazaar 1

Make sure that you have a few ropes and plenty of rubies here. Fight to the far middle and go through the mouth ticket booth. Kill the creatures using the power glove. Fight to the mouth on the upper right and go through.

▼ Jump from the tongue to the arm on the right side. Climb down the bead rope to the rope bridge. Cross the bridge by jumping the holes and climb the ladders and cord to the hand on the left.

Jump to the platform in front of the heart and enter the heart. Cross to the right and kill the hands with the bombs.

▼ To kill the Harlequin, stand just to the right of the pipe and wait until he is within striking range, then hit him a lot with your sword. Pick up the key he leaves.

▼ Jump on the lower right platform and use a rope to get to the observatory. Enter the door. Strike Triforce and save the game.

Serigon Caves 1 (Ice Crystal Quest)

Enter Serigon Caves. Make sure you have at least 10 firestones, five lamp oils and plenty of rubies for this stage. Enter the extreme right hand cave. Use firestones the kill the Abominans and watch out for the falling icicles. Pick up the ice crystal at the upper left of the playfield. Exit the cave.

▼ Enter the middle cave. Strike the water of life at the upper left of the playfield. Your life hearts are restored and your canteen is filled. Exit the cave.

▼ Go to the upper left of the playfield and use the power glove on the boulder which is blocking Suprena's cave (on the far left). Enter Suprena's cave. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Fortress Centrum opens. Save the game.

Harlequin Bazaar 2 (Magic Lantern Run)

Enter Harlequin Bazaar. Go through the gate at the far right of the playfield. Climb up the ladder in the left chute. Be careful of falling debris. Enter Odranoel's observatory (the left door).

▼ Talk to Odranoel. He takes the ice crystal and changes your lantern into the magic lantern, then disappears. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Save the game.

Militron (Winged Helmet Quest)

Use the power glove to destroy the boulder blocking the hole in the mouth at the top of the playfield. Enter the hole. About two thirds of the way along the playfield to the right, there is a skull-topped barrier. Use a bomb or the power glove to destroy it. Exit through the door at the far right of the playfield.

▼ Move just to the right of the door and use a rope to climb to the platform above the door. Go through the face door at the upper left of the playfield.

▼ Animation of Militron automatically plays.

▼ Go to the bottom of the playfield area. Kill Militron with sword blasts to his head. The winged helmet appears. Take the winged helmet. The Triforce appears. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Glutko opens. Save the game.

Shipwreck Cliff (Magic Sword Quest)

Enter Shipwreck Cliff. Get the key at the far right of the playfield. Enter the ship's hold (the door in the middle of the playfield). Talk to Clora. She gives you an extra life heart and asks you to rescue her father.

▼ Exit through the hole at the lower right of the playfield. After killing as many of the flying objects as possible, climb down the rope and go to the edge of the cliff. Use the winged helmet to jump to the cliff on the right.

▼ Jump and cut Kulvan's chains (the guy at the bottom of the cliff). He takes the fire diamond and changes your sword into the magic sword (the sword fires blasts even when not at full strength). Kulvan disappears. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Lupay opens.

▼ Save the game.

Fortress Centrum (Reflection Crystal Quest)

Enter Fortress Centrum. Make sure you have at least five to 10 bombs and a supply of firestones before you begin this stage. At the midpoint of the playfield is a skull-topped barrier. Destroy it with a bomb or the power glove.

▼ Go to the arch at the far top right of the playfield and enter it. Kill the wall masters with bombs and go up to the top of the playfield. Go through the arch at the top right of the playfield.

▼ Enter the door at the top left of the playfield. Strike Zelda to wake her up. She turns into Goronu. Kill Goronu with Firestones. The crystal of reflection appears. Take the crystal of reflection. The Triforce appears. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Ganon's Lair opens. Save the game.

Serigon Caves 2 (Run for the Shield of Reflection)

Enter Serigon Caves. Make sure you have at least five or 10 firestones and plenty of rubies before you begin this stage. Go to and enter Suprena's cave (the one on the far left). Talk to Suprena. She takes the crystal of reflection and makes your shield the reflecting shield. Suprena disappears. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Save the game.

Glutko (Quest for the Book of Koridai)

Enter Glutko. Make sure you have at least 10 bombs before you begin this stage. Go to the mangled gate at the bottom of the playfield area and exit.

▼ Bomb or use the power glove on the skull-topped barrier half way through the playfield. Use bombs to kill the Dodongos (rhinos). Go to the mouth-like door on the right-hand side of the playfield and enter.

▼ Cross the playfield and exit through the hole at the upper right-hand side. You can use the winged helmet to jump over the big gaps over the lava. Automatic animation of Glutko plays. Blow up Glutko with a bomb (hit him in the head with it). Keep away from Glutko; he does a lot of damage when he hits.

Use the power glove on the boulder blocking the hole at the right-hand side of the playfield. Exit through the hole. Go up the mountain and strike the water of life. Enter the shrine on top of the mountain. Again, bomb Glutko. He leaves the book of Koridai. Take the book of Koridai. The Triforce appears. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Save the game.


Enter Lupay. Go through the gate in the mouth at the top of the playfield. Go up to and through the gated window at the top of the playfield. Kill the Tektites until one of them drops a key (the second Tektite has the key). Pick up the key. Exit through the door at the top of the playfield.

▼ Animation of Harlequin automatically plays. Climb to the top of the playfield. Kill Harlequin. Drop through the gap on the left of the top level of the playfield. You will drop two levels; use a rope to climb up to the level you dropped past. Strike the water of life.

▼ Drop through the gap to the right of the water of life and exit through the hole there. Automatic animation of Lupay plays. Let Lupay shoot at you. Reflect his blast back at him with your shield. When he is hit by his own blasts, he dies.

▼ The crystal of vision appears. Take the crystal of vision. The Triforce appears. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map. Hermit Flat opens.

▼ Save the game.

Hermit Flat (Lantern of Vision Quest)

Enter Hermit Flat. Go to the left side of the playfield. Go down the rocks on that side, then go along the bottom back to the right-hand side of the playfield.

▼ You can walk on the dried-up mud (the crinkly stuff), but the darker brown swirly stuff will kill you. Use the winged helmet to jump over the big patch of swirly mud that you encounter. Talk to Gwonam. He takes the crystal of vision and changes your lantern into the lantern of vision. Gwonam disappears. The lantern of vision lets you see otherwise invisible creatures in Ganon's Lair. Strike the Triforce to return to the overworld map.

▼ Save your game for both game one and game two.

Ganon's Lair (Slay The Beast)

Enter Ganon's Lair. Use a bomb or the power glove on the skull-topped barrier along the top path of the playfield. Take the raft (top, middle of the playfield) to the slimy gate at the right-hand side of the playfield.

▼ Go through the gate. Drop carefully on to the platform moving across the top of the lava and ride it over to the rocks to the left of the entrance. Crouch down and shoot the scorpion to your left before you get off the platform. Exit through the hole at the far left of the playfield.

▼ Automatic animation of Militron plays. Kill Militron when you are halfway across the playfield. Stand on the middle platform, jump, and shoot him in the head. Exit through the door at the far right of the playfield. Kill the snakes with bombs. Fight up to the top of the playfield and exit through the door there. Before moving, kill all the flying objects. Then drop down and kill the snakes.

▼ Finally, from the extreme left or right, use a rope to climb up to the level above. Using the open drawers, climb up to and exit through the purple fiery hole at the top of the playfield area. Select the book of Koridai from your magic pouch before you enter the next room.

▼ Automatic animation of Ganon plays. Throw the book of Koridai at Ganon. He dies and leaves a key. Take the key. Exit through the door at the upper left-hand side of the playfield.

▼ Jump and strike the gong above Zelda with your sword to wake her up.

▼ End game animation plays signalling that you have finally made it to the end of the game.

Congratulations! You have succeeded in saving Zelda from the clutches of evil Ganon!


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Last updated: October 4th, 2024.