Zelda's Adventure - Cheat Codes
Special Save Names -- Shrine Skips -- Food Dude Easter Egg
Special Save Names
Create a new file using any of these names to enable a specific effect in-game.
Name | Effect |
MVBARICKMAN | Zelda will not die when she runs out of hearts. |
XYZINVINCO | Unknown. |
XYZNOGO | Wall, door, and barrier collision can be toggled with the treasure scroll arrows. Left button = enable. Right button = disable. This persists over save files. |
XYNOGOXYINV | Should enable both XYZ effects at once. It's hard to say without knowing what XYZINVINCOM does, though. |
Shrine Skips
The collision detection of Zelda's Adventure is not perfect, best exemplified by two spots in the Shrines where you can skip a chunk the game.
Shrine of Air

You can prematurely enter the Shrine of Air through a specific set of movements, skipping the entire Shrine of Illusion and completing the Shrine of Earth. Enter the giant condor area from the north and wedge Zelda into the bit of land she's at in the image. You will hit a normally-inaccessible transition to the Shrine of Air and enter it early. This does not work when entering from the south or west.
Shrine of Fire

You can skip the first Warbane fight in the Shrine of Fire and grab the Celestial Sign earlier than intended. Just wedge Zelda into the northeast corner between her third and fourth hearts, and she'll clip through the wall and hit the northern transition zone.
Food Dude Easter Egg
(My greatest accomplishment)

To see this neat easter egg, you'll first need the Coal treasure, which is obtained from the miner west of the Shrine of Strength. Take it to the Great Wimbich blacksmith, who'll turn it into a Diamond that'll give you 999 Rupees.
Then, you'll need to head to G11 on the overworld map. This can easily be done by heading south twice from the goblin that gives you the Joust spell, and then heading west to a coastal area.
Finally, you must equip the Diamond and hold down Button One for seven seconds, as if you were trying to use the item. You'll see a skateboarder emerge from the bushes, shout "Radical, dude! Totally!", and then retreat into the forest.
This skateboarder is the protagonist of Food Dude, an unreleased CD-i game themed around the titular Dude avoiding junk food and cigarettes, and the ailments they would give him. They're the only assets of this lost game available as of writing. You can read more about Food Dude here.
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Last updated: December 8th, 2024.