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Link: The Faces of Evil - Character Info

Here is a listing of every character you can meet in Link: The Faces of Evil.

This includes what they do in-game, as well as sourced facts such as where they're named and who voiced them.


Main Characters -- Faces of Evil -- NPCs

Main Characters


Named in: In-game cutscenes
Voiced by: Jeff Rath (confirmed in TFoE credits)

This is the character you play as in Link: The Faces of Evil. Link is growing bored of peace in Hyrule, and wonders what Ganon is up to. Turns out, he's launched an invasion of the island of Koridai, and is the only one who can defeat Ganon according to a prophecy. With only his Smart Sword, Link travels to Koridai to stop Ganon and free the island from his minions' clutches. In the end, he is successful at stopping Ganon and his minions, and frees the recently-kidnapped Zelda too.

Link is a very upbeat guy who is a little ditzy at times. He wants to kiss Zelda much like his DiC cartoon counterpart, but doesn't like it when other women hit on him (such as Alora and Clora).

Princess Zelda

Named in: In-game cutscenes
Voiced by: Bonnie Jean Wilbur (confirmed in TWoG credits)
Requests?: Yes - her freedom from Ganon
Rewards?: Maybe a kiss for Link?

Zelda appears in the intro, brushing off Link's request for a kiss. She becomes more relevant later in the game, when Gwonam informs Link that she had been kidnapped by Ganon in the middle of the night. Link encounters what he thinks is Zelda in Fortress Centrum, but it's revealed that she was actually Goronu in disguise.

Link finds and wakes the real Zelda in Ganon's Lair. The two almost kiss before Gwonam interrupts - Link tries to get a kiss from her a few moments later, but is brushed off again.


Named in: TFoE Manual
Voiced by: Paul Wann (confirmed in GamesReview inteview)
Requests?: Yes - for Link to find his house
Rewards?: Yes - Lantern of Vision

Gwonam is Link's guide throughout his adventure. He arrives at the palace with news of Ganon's invasion of Koridai, and informs Link that he's the only one that can defeat Ganon and that there's not enough time for him to grab his stuff. Throughout Koridai, Gwonam meets up with Link to tell him about Ganon's minions as well as Zelda's kidnapping.

Near the end of the game, Link meets Gwonam at his house on Hermit Flat and is gifted the Lantern of Vision. After Zelda is rescued, Gwonam arrives to congratulate Link and show Koridai returning to harmony.

According to the game's manual, Gwonam transports Link to the various areas of Koridai, and saves him whenever he runs out of lives.


Named in: In-game cutscenes
Voiced by: Mark Berry (confirmed in YouTube comment)
Weakness: Book of Koridai
Drops: Key to Zelda's chamber

Ganon is the bombastic main villain of Link: The Faces of Evil, having taken over Koridai along with his minions. He is initially seen in a vision at Firestone Lake, abducting Zelda and keeping her in his lair. Later on, Link learns from Aypo that the Book of Koridai is the only weapon that can defeat Ganon, and soon enters his lair and confronts the Prince of Darkness.

Ganon offers Link a chance to join him and have the greatest Face in Koridai (or else he will die). Link refuses, dodges and blocks Ganon's skull-shaped fireballs, and traps the Prince of Darkness in the Book of Koridai. He drops a key that opens Zelda's chambers.

Faces of Evil


Named in: In-game cutscenes
Weakness: Firestones
Drops: Bell + Life Heart (Goronu), Crystal of Reflection (Fortress Centrum)

Goronu is the first boss that Link must defeat during his adventures in Koridai. He is a hideous, snake-like necromancer whose Face of Evil is located on a mountain near Morshu's store. Goronu is first seen in a vision Gwonam shows to Link - there, he turns skeletons inside the crypts of Koridai into Stalfos warriors. Once Link gets deep enough into Goronu's face, the warlock threatens to freeze Link for a year and have him become his servant. Link makes his way to the top of Goronu's Face and, after dodging his head-shaped fireballs, throws Firestones which burn him to a crisp. He obtains the Bell item (and a Life Heart) after defeating the necromancer.

Goronu is encountered again in Fortress Centrum. While trying to find the "Treasure of Death", Link comes across a sleeping Princess Zelda and wakes her up. However, it turns out to be a trap - Zelda is actually Goronu in disguise, and a fight breaks out after he transforms. Link manages to kill Goronu with Firestones once again, and obtains the Treasure of Death (the Crystal of Reflection) as a result.

Goronu's Face of Evil is by far the smallest of the six, being about two-thirds their size (or one-half in the case of Harlequin Bazaar).


Named in: In-game cutscenes
Weakness: Swords
Drops: Key to Odranoel's observatory (Harlequin Bazaar), Blue Ruby (Lupay)

Harlequin is the owner/namesake/model of Harlequin Bazaar, a casino and market next to Firestone Lake that serves as the second Face of Evil. He is a pigman dressed in a flashy carnival-inspired outfit, with hearts on his sleeves that can shoot magic transformation beams. Harlequin is first seen in a vision Gwonam gives to Link - in it, the pigman transforms a Koridian into a Goriya-like servant after the latter loses his last Ruby at the establishment.

After venturing through a giant mural of Harlequin, Link encounters him in a chamber and is told that he has a "million to none" chance of defeating the pigman. Link is able to evade Harlequin's barrage of bouncy balls and strikes him multiple times with his sword, causing the pigman to deflate like a balloon. Harlequin drops a key to Odranoel's observatory upon his first death.

Harlequin is later encountered in Lupay's Face of Evil, inside a series of cavernous chambers. He utters a magic-themed taunt before being struck down by Link once again, dropping a Blue Ruby. Alternatively, Link can walk past Harlequin and proceed into Lupay's chamber, or ignore the level entirely by using the Nortinka path skip.

Harlequin's Face of Evil is the largest of the six, and this is mostly due to the glass dome housing Odranoel's observatory. Despite its appearance in two of his cutscenes, Harlequin never teleports in his fights.


Named in: In-game cutscenes
Weakness: Swords to the head
Drops: Winged Helmet (Militron), Blue Ruby (Ganon's Lair)

Militron is the third boss that Link encounters on his quest. He resides in both a giant set of blue armor and in his Face of Evil, located on top of Spearfish Falls (and seemingly being the source of its waterfalls). Militron is first seen in a vision Gwonam shows to Link. In it, Militron transforms a seemingly hypnotized, "worthless" Koridian into an Armos by crushing him in his left hand and breathing flame at it. Link encounters Militron at a stained-glass chamber within his Face, with the latter instructing the hero to "feel the fire of war".

Link has to dodge Militron's flame breath and strike his head (with either the sword or power beams) to defeat him. Militron's armor explodes and reveals his true form; an old man in underwear, who skulks away out of embarrassment. He leaves behind the Winged Helmet.

Militron is encountered again in Ganon's Lair, inside a brick hallway within the complex. He threatens to kill Link, but is defeated and humiliated in the exact same way (dropping a Blue Ruby this time). Link can also just... walk past Militron and access the rest of Ganon's Lair.

Militron's size varies. In the cutscenes, he's large enough to enclose Koridians within his fists, but in the levels, he's about a head taller than Link.


Named in: In-game cutscenes
Weakness: Eating bombs
Drops: Blue Ruby (Glutko), Book of Koridai (Shrine of Koridai)

Glutko is a huge, gluttonous cyclops who resides in the fourth Face of Evil, located behind Toyku Lighthouse. He is first seen in a vision that Gwonam gives to Link - in it, he fills his belly by eating Koridians whole, though this isn't enough to sate his appetite and reaches for (perhaps) one more. After learning from Droolik that Glutko should be fed "something spicy", Link encounters him in a chamber next to the Face's lone eye. Glutko tries to reach for Link in order to eat him, but the hero ducks out of the way.

Glutko tries to punch Link if he gets close, dealing large amounts of damage, but has no projectile attack unlike the other Faces of Evil. Using Droolik's advice, Link throws a bomb at Glutko's head. He eats the bomb, realizes his mistake, and explodes into a cloud of smoke and a Blue Ruby. Glutko is fought a second time later in his Face of Evil, inside the Shrine of Koridai accessed through his Face's eye. He is defeated in the exact same way, and drops the Book of Koridai this time around.

Glutko's size varies. In the cutscenes, he's large enough to eat Koridians whole, but in the levels, he's about a head taller than Link.

(So, why did I name my Tumblr blog and some accounts after this guy when Hektan was available? I don't know. It was a good idea at the time!!)


Named in: In-game cutscenes
Weakness: Reflecting Shield
Drops: Crystal of Vision

Lupay is the most dangerous of Ganon's minions, and the owner of the fifth Face of Evil located near Nortinka. He is a wolf person who has a third, laser-firing eye in his forehead. Lupay is first seen in a vision that Gwonam gives to Link - in it, he uses a Ruby to replace a Koridian's soul, which turns the Koridian into a Moblin-like servant. After going through the Face and defeating Harlequin for the second time, Link encounters Lupay in an eye-shaped chamber. He spots Link and threatens his life.

Lupay is immune to every attack except the third eye lasers he fires. Link can reflect these attacks back at their summoner with the Reflecting Shield from Serigon Caves. After being hit enough times, Lupay disintegrates and leaves behind the Crystal of Vision. He is the only Face of Evil that isn't fought a second time, apart from Ganon. It's possible to skip both Lupay and Harlequin's rematch by using the Nortinka skip method mentioned above.

Lupay's Face of Evil is the only one to not be present as a mural above Kulvan's prison in Shipwreck Cliff.

(NOTE: Lupay's referred to by masculine pronouns in this section as that is what the official guide uses. However, this is contentious as the guides have several known errors - most relevant is how the Wand of Gamelon guide uses masculine pronouns for Makoto, the starving girl in Kobitan.)



Named in: Official TFoE Guide
Requests?: Yes - Necklace from Spearfish Falls
Rewards?: Yes - Canteen + a smooch

Alora lives in a ransacked trailhouse near Toyku Lighthouse, locked behind a door whose key is on a nearby cliff. She was married at one point, but her husband was transformed into an Abominom and a gift from him - a necklace - was stolen by a Gleeok. Upon meeting Link, she asks him if he's afraid of dragons in a rather flirtatious manner, then requests that he retrieves her stolen necklace.

After Link defeats the Gleeok in Spearfish Falls and retrieves Alora's necklace, he returns it to her. She rewards him twice - once with a big smooch, and again with the Canteen.


Named in: Official TFoE Guide
Requests?: No
Rewards?: Yes - Power Sword

Anutu can be found in Crater Cove, in a hut at the leftmost side of the first area. He wanders the second floor alongside a Gohma he thinks is "the biggest crab [he] ever caught". Link can talk to Anutu and correct his statement, and the kindly old fisherman will gift him the Power Sword and refill his hearts.

Link can talk to Anutu again after obtaining the Power Sword. He gives Link some encouragement and tells him that the settlement will start fishing again once Ganon's defeated.


Named in: In-game cutscenes
Requests?: Yes - Book of Koridai
Rewards?: Yes - reading the secret verse

Aypo is a reader who owns a book-filled house on a Nortinka mountaintop. Link can access Aypo's house by obtaining a key in the westernmost igloo of Nortinka, which unlocks a door in Hamsha's igloo that leads to the house. Abominoms guard the way, but Link can use firestones to deal with them. Aypo tells Link that he knows of a secret verse in the Book of Koridai, and can read it if he brings it over.

Link can return to Aypo once he has the Book of Koridai. There, Aypo reads the secret verse and reveals that Ganon can only be defeated with the Book itself. This conversation is NOT required to beat the game - Link can throw the Book of Koridai at Ganon and it'll work just fine.


Named in: Official TFoE Guide
Requests?: Yes - saving her father, Kulvan
Rewards?: Yes - a Life Heart

Clora is the daughter of Kulvan, and is rather close to where he's being kept prisoner - she's at Shipwreck Cliff, in the ship's cabin. Link will need a key on the ship's figurehead (the dragon head on the bow) to access this cabin. She is overjoyed to see Link, crushing him in a bear hug and kissing him as well. She asks him to free her father and rewards Link with a Life Heart; her "Have a heart" line is quite literal!

Link can speak to her again after Kulvan is freed, though he'll be subject to another hug and kiss combination.


Named in: In-game cutscenes
Requests?: No
Rewards?: Yes - Glutko advice

Droolik can be found in his house around the side of Glutko's Face of Evil. It's locked by a key that's dropped by a Moblin Spearthrower in the second area of the level, but it can also be entered from the back by entering Glutko's face from its teeth.

Inside his house, Droolik is seen having a blast by drinking beer and eating tasty meats. He asks where Link is going, to which he replies that he's "going to fight Glutko". Droolik advises Link to feed Glutko "something spicy" instead of fighting him. Link does so with a bomb and defeats the gluttonous cyclops twice, at which point Droolik will leave his house.


Named in: Official TFoE Guide
Requests?: No
Rewards?: Yes - Life Heart + Water of Life

A pair of fairies can be found in Spearfish Falls, in a small pond halfway up the area. When talked to, they encourage Link and help his difficult quest by giving him a Life Heart. They also give Link some Water of Life on subsequent visits.

The fairies use the AI of the game's flying enemies - as such, they can be frozen with the Bell item for a few seconds.

Fish Lady

Official name unknown
Requests?: No
Rewards?: Yes - location of Crater key

This fishwife lives in Crater Cove, in a beach-side hut near an active volcano. The hut is locked initially, but can be opened with a key underneath Anutu's house. Link encounters her on the second floor, where she is butchering a fish. She tells him that she boarded up a vent in Crater Cove that Dairas were coming out of, and used a skull as its latch.

Link can find the skull next to the boarded-up vent and strike it, releasing a key that opens the vent.


Named in: Official TFoE Guide (Dutch)
Requests?: Yes - needs unfreezing
Rewards?: Yes - Water of Life

Hamsha can be found inside her house in Nortinka, which is right next to where Link starts. She is "stuck" in place as Ganon froze an unspecified fountain that helped her move, and any attempt by Link to speak to her will have her freeze completely.

Using a Firestone, Link can temporarily unfreeze Hamsha. She thanks Link by giving him a pitcher full of Water of Life, which both heals him and fills the Canteen if it's in his inventory. However, Hamsha freezes over right after she does this. This unfreezing-freezing cycle can be repeated until the player gets sick of it.


Named in: Official TFoE Guide (Dutch)
Requests?: No
Rewards?: Yes - Lantern

Horgum is located inside Toyku Lighthouse (the area) in Toyku Lighthouse (the, um... lighthouse). He appears to be its keeper, and is found wandering around the beacon on the top floor of the lighthouse. When Link talks to him, Horgum notes how dark it is with "all the evil"a bout, and gifts the hero a Lantern.

Horgum can be talked to again after he hands over the Lantern. He notes that there aren't many people left on the island, and brings up Droolik as one of the few Koridians remaining.

King Harkinian

Named in: TWoG Manual
Requests?: Not really?
Rewards?: No

The King of Hyrule is only seen twice in the intro of Link: The Faces of Evil. He responds to Link's boredom by stating that the current peace is "what all true warriors strive for". Later, when Gwonam arrives and tells them of Ganon's Koridai invasion, King Harkinian asks how they can help. Gwonam responds by saying that only Link can defeat Ganon.

That's all.


Named in: Official TFoE Guide
Requests?: Yes - freedom from his chains
Rewards?: Yes - Magic Sword

Kulvan is a blacksmith who has been imprisoned at Shipwreck Cliff, in a cavern jutting out of the nearby Gingko Pinnacle. Link is directed to save Kulvan by his daugher, Clora, and he encounters him soon after jumping over a large gap with the Winged Helmet. Kulvan begs Link to cut the chains that bind him, noting that the nearby Arpagos are driving him crazy.

Link uses his sword to cut Kulvan's chains, and the blacksmith thanks him before noticing that the hero has a Fire Diamond. Link gives it and his Power Sword over to Kulvan, and he combines the two on his anvil to create the Magic Sword. After demonstrating its new power to Link, Kulvan takes off.

According to an early description for the game, Kulvan is a giant. This doesn't translate well in-game, as he's only a head taller than Link much like Militron and Glutko.


Named in: TFoE Manual
Requests?: No
Rewards?: Kind of - he's a shopkeeper

Morshu is a shopkeeper that can be found at his store near Goronu's Face of Evil. He welcomes Link by stating his wares are available as long as he has enough Rubies. Sure enough, if Link doesn't have enough Rubies and tries to buy something, Morshu will refuse the sale and tells him to come back once he's... mmm... richer.

Here are the prices of Morshu's wares:

Lamp Oil x3 Rope x3 Bombs x3
5 Rubies 10 Rubies 20 Rubies


Named in: Official TFoE Guide
Requests?: Yes - Ice Crystal
Rewards?: Yes - Magic Lantern

Odranoel is an astronomer who lives in his observatory, located at the very top of Harlequin Bazaar. After Link defeats Harlequin and obtains his dropped key, he can enter the observatory and talk to Odranoel. He hypothesizes that nights are cold because the stars in its sky are made of ice. To test this hypothesis, he asks Link to bring the Ice Crystal from Serigon Caves so that he can determine if it makes a more powerful light than regular fire.

Once Link returns with the Ice Crystal, Odranoel gets to work. He grabs a lantern, places the Ice Crystal inside it, and then creates a simple vaccuum and spins the ice around. The end result is the Magic Lantern, and Odranoel leaves after its creation.

Odranoel's name is "Leonardo" backwards.


Named in: Official TFoE Guide
Requests?: Yes - Crystal of Reflection
Rewards?: Yes - Reflecting Shield

Suprena is an icy sorceress who lives inside the leftmost cave in Serigon Caves. Link will need either 10 bombs or the Power Glove to break a boulder blocking her cave's entrance. Suprena uses her magic mirror to tell Link that he needs to conquer Fortress Centrum before he can fight Ganon, and also to bring back the fortress' "Treasure of Death" to her. She then disappears with a wave of her magic wand.

Once Link returns with the treasure (the Crystal of Reflection), Suprena combines his shield with the crystal, turning it into the Reflecting Shield and giving it the ability to "curse [a] curser with twice the curse". She disappears once again, this time for good.


Named in: Official TFoE Guide
Requests?: Yes - Grapple Berries
Rewards?: Yes - Power Glove

Zorga is an old and ugly (her words) witch who lives in her hut at the very top of Spearfish Falls. The hut requires a key that can be found on top of a nearby rock formation. Zorga shows Link that she knows a few magic tricks - such as playing with a wisp of smoke and turning a berry into a coin - and asks him to get some Grapple Berries from Firestone Lake so she can peform one.

Once Link returns with the Grapple Berries, Zorga puts them as well as Link's glove into her cauldron. She stirs the cauldron, soaking the glove in the berries' juices which creates in the Power Glove. Link is impressed.

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Last updated: October 6th, 2024.